Self Exploration Guide

Daydreaming of living intentionally, grounded in self-awareness + authenticity?

Seeking to tread softly, slowly, and with deep purpose?

Building confidence in your personal + professional life calls for understanding who you are, at your core.

This self-awareness, rooted in intuitive lifestyle design, guides you on your personal journey and is equally transformative in business.

When you align your business with your innate design + intuition, the path forward becomes clearer, more fulfilling, and genuinely authentic.

No more chasing after someone else’s version of success. It's about designing a life and business that resonate deeply with your unique vision, free from external pressures.

Ever feel the urge to break free from external pressures + generational patterns, anchoring deeply into your own power instead?

My Love, that's your soul seeking alignment.

Let me guide you to fully connect with your unique energetic blueprint… So you can transcend the shadows, step into your light, and truly recognize + liberate the muse within.

Awaken Your Magic

Redefine Your Path

Rewrite Your Story

Unleash The Muse Within

Awaken Your Magic • Redefine Your Path • Rewrite Your Story • Unleash The Muse Within •

Hey, I’m Elle. Guiding You Toward Intuitive Alignment!

As a Self Exploration Guide and Human Design Expert, I support soulful humans like you, who crave a deeper sense of knowing and confidence in who you are, what you're here to do, and greater clarity on the direction you're headed.

After working together, clients have more confidence in their own self acceptance and the ability to flow with life instead of trying to force and control it.

They’ve stopped limiting themselves because of other people's expectations of what they "should" be doing with their life.

Maybe you’re wondering what you can expect…

Through your own self discovery and exploration of your unique Human Design Chart, I help you see you are not confined to anything, anyone or any place. That YOU truly are free to create your own journey in life and love living it.

The biggest gift being a return to your most natural state, feeling empowered as you move towards your desires while intentionally exploring your power, freedom + innate magic!

My sacred offerings empower your journey of designing a life + business with your intuition at the forefront.

My offerings are sanctuaries for your self-exploration, weaving the threads of self-love, trust, and authenticity. When life or business feels out of sync, it's a call to realign with your true self.

Through Human Design, reflective journaling, and mindful self-care, we'll illuminate your path, ensuring every step resonates with your heart's deepest desires.

The Journal | Nourish Your Curiosity

Musing on self exploration, human design, intuitive lifestyle design, well-being + self development

Unleash Your Potential

…with The Life Launch Session, a free mini-course intricately weaving Human Design + Intuitive Lifestyle Design. Sign up now and set out on a transformative journey with video insights and a reflective guided journal, tailor-made for your empowered, authentic life.